div, p A new sectionand a new paragraph. b Bolding for emphasis. /p The end of this paragraph.
p A new paragraph. /p Another paragraph ending.
p A new paragraph.
Header Cell A | Header Cell B | Header Cell C |
Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 |
Data 1a | Data 2a | Data 3a | yep another cell | we're having fun now | having fun with td | wow | yippee | yay, ok done |
/tr, /table, p, b, /b: End table data, table row, and THE DAMN TABLE. Then start a new paragraph, bold the tags, and unbold them. That's how you make your first table with descriptions you can go back to and see what you were thinking when you wrote it.
New paragraph. New Table, maybe cleaner because the table tag will start after all this mumbo jumbo and two - nope, just one break works better! - breaks. Here we go:
Me | Myself | I |
You | We | Us | Always | Sometimes | Never |
Me | Myself | I |
You | We | Us | Always | Sometimes | Never |
New paragraph. Mic drop. I'm out /p, /body